Andy McDonnel – How to manage people with Complex Trauma and PTSD
Foredrag med Andy McDonnell:
BSc., MSc., PhD. Consultant Clinical Psychologist to and Director of Studio III Clinical Services;
Director, clinical consultant and Team Leader to Studio III Training;
formerly Clinical Psychologist to Monyhull Hospital Birmingham.
Andrew has particular interest in the design of community settings for people who challenge.
He has extensive experience of working with service users with a learning disability and/or an ASD who self harm.
There is often an overemphasis placed on trauma being caused by major, triggering life events. For someone who is highly distressed, an event which may be perceived as a relatively minor issue to an outsider can in fact be traumatic to an individual.’ – The Reflective Journey: A Practitioner’s Guide to the Low Arousal Approach (2019; 57).
In my experience, the people we support who are labelled as ‘difficult’ are often suffering from some sort of trauma. Understanding this trauma is essential if we are to support people in an empathic and compassionate manner. In this workshop the relationship and understanding of trauma will be closely examined.
Topics Covered:
- What is trauma?
- What is PTSD?
- Applying Low Arousal Approaches to trauma
- Working with chaotic thinking and chaotic behaviour
- Avoiding trauma reactions
- Supporting trauma – a systems approach
Learning Outcomes:
- Participants will develop a deeper understanding of how trauma impacts both on the people they support and themselves, and help them to develop positive coping responses, both on an individual and organisational level
Dato: 10-10-2023 fra kl. 9.00-15.00
Foredraget foregår på Engelsk, det vil være muligt at benytte sig af tolkning via headset.
Kurset henvender sig til fagprofessionelle der arbejder med mennesker med autisme og tilhørende komorbiditeter.
Sted: Lindberg Fenger Kursus og Videnscenter, Ryttergrøftvejen 48, 7000 Fredericia.
Pris: 2500kr inkl. moms, forplejning og mulighed for tolkning.
Tilmelding via formularen herunder eller på mail
Sidste tilmelding 15-09-2023.